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coolSan-Xing Elementary Schoo l 三興國小英語學習情境中心cool

Ordering Food on the Plane Scenario 機艙點餐體驗


laugh單字 Vocabulary

bar drinks 酒吧飲料 vegetarian 素食 choose 選擇
soft drinks 無酒精飲料 chicken 雞肉 request 需求
beef 牛肉 fishsorry 抱歉
offer 提供 complimentary 免費 snacks 點心
food tray 食物托盤 food trolley 餐車 coffee 咖啡


laugh會話 Dialogue

A: passenger 乘客 B: flight attendant 空服員


Beginner 基礎

wink B: Hello, what would you like to eat? Tonight we have chicken or fish to choose from.
smiley  A: I will have the chicken please.
wink B: Here you are. And what drink may I offer you?
smiley A: Can I have some coke please?
wink B: I am sorry. We only have coffee, tea, juice or bar drinks.
smiley A: A glass of red wine then. (or) I will have some juice then.
wink B: Here you are. Enjoy your meal.


Advanced 進階

wink B: Hello, what would you like to eat? Tonight we have chicken, beef or fish to choose from.
smiley A: Do you have vegetarian meals?
wink B: Sorry vegetarian meals need to be requested at least two days before the flight.
smiley A: Okay then, I will have the chicken.
wink B: Here you are. And what drink would you like?
smiley A: I would like some coffee and some water.
wink B: Here you are.
smiley A: Thank you very much.
wink B: You are welcome. Enjoy your meal.

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