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A1- Taipei 101 Shopping

coolSan-Xing Elementary Schoo l 三興國小英語學習情境中心cool
Taipei 101 shopping Scenario  台北101購物體驗

laugh單字 Vocabulary
Taipei 101 台北101 Supermarket 超市  Clothing store 服飾店 Souvenir shop 紀念品店 Postcard 明信片   Doll 娃娃   Pharmacy 藥局 Drinks 飲品 Food 食品 Clothing 服飾
Gifts 禮物 Medicine Tourist 遊客 Cashier 收銀員
Cash Register 收銀機 Receipt 收據/發票 Customer 顧客 Credit Card 信用卡

laugh會話 Dialogue
Tourist遊客 Cashier收銀員

Beginner 基礎

wink  C/ Welcome to Taipei 101. What would you like to buy?

smiley  T/  I would like to buy this _____,______,______ and______. 

wink  C/ Great, that will be ________ dollars. How would you like to pay? 
smiley  T/ I would like to pay with SHPS / LineLine Pay/ Credit Card.
wink  C/ Here you go. Have a good day.
smiley  T/ Thank you.

Advanced 進階
smiley  C/ Hello, welcome to Taipei 101! Are you ready to check out?
wink  T/ Yes, I would like to buy this _____, ______, ______, and ______. How much           is it?

smiley C/ Okay, that will be _________ dollars. How would you like to pay ? 

wink  T/ I would like to pay with SHPS / LineLine Pay/ Credit Card.

smiley  C/ Here you go. Have a good day.
wink  T/ Thank you. And have a good day, too.



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