中心簡介 中心簡介
行政公告 行政公告
師資陣容 師資陣容
活動剪影 活動剪影
交通位置 交通位置
轉型2.0課程簡介 轉型2.0課程簡介
課程簡介 課程簡介
體驗申請說明 體驗申請說明
情境中心介紹影片 情境中心介紹影片
情境教學動畫 情境教學動畫

coolSan-Xing Elementary Schoo l 三興國小英語學習情境中心cool
Taipei 101 台北101 趣知識

laugh單字 Vocabulary
damper 阻尼器   elevator 電梯  observatory deck 觀景台  green building 綠建築  design & symbolism 設計與象徵 fireworks 煙火 skyscraper 摩天大樓

laugh Comprehension 理解

smileyHistory 歷史

smiley Whose idea was it?

wink When did construction start?

smiley How long did it take to build and at what price?

wink  When was it officially opened? 


smileyObservation Decks 觀景台

smiley  Is it free?

wink  What floors are they on? 

smiley  What can you see from there?   


smileyDesign & Symbolism 設計與象徵 

smiley What shape is it?
wink  How did it get its name? 
smiley What is the connection with the number 8?

smileyElevators 電梯

smiley What are its features?  

smiley  How fast is it? 

wink  Where are they?


smileyTuned Mass Damper (TMD) 阻尼器

smiley  What does it do? 

smiley  Where is it?

wink  Can we see it close?


smileyGreen Building 綠建築

smiley What does “Green Building” mean?

smiley  How do they conserve water?

wink  How do they keep the building from getting too hot?

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